Thursday, April 16, 2009

Nice View!

Now you have seen where I live, time to show you were I work. Instead of taking a picture of the offices, I thought I would show you my view.

You will notice the gold builing on the left of the picture. This is the south tower and I work in the north tower. Both buildings are identical with a Double Tree hotel connecting them both. I work on the 16th floor and have an awesome view of downtown Dallas. This morning is especially clear but unfortunately this picture really does not do the view justice.

Before I end this post, I would like to give credit to my buddy Jim at Terrell Daily Photo for inspiring me to start this blog/site. Thanks man!!!!


  1. Nice pic. I love that golden mirrored building along 75. I have been blinded by it many times around sunset!

  2. I think there used to be a bingo parlor right near there, love those pull tabs.

    You need to go register at the City Daily Photo site.

  3. Jim, you're an addict, stupid Bingo!

  4. Hope it gets more interesting than this! :)

  5. I believe I worked there some, um, three decades ago. It was called Campbell Center then.
